Sunday 18 April 2010


There are infinite variations on what you can put in to these, this is just one suggestion. They're a fab snack, quick lunch or a side with other Mexican food.

For each quesadilla you need:
1 tortilla
1/4 cup grated cheddar
1 sliced spring onion.

Heat a large frying pan and place the tortilla on it. Sprinkle the cheddar over the surface of the tortilla and add the onion to one half. Heat. Fold in half to make a semi circle and then flip over. Serve cut into wedges. They're nice cold too!


  1. Mmmm. I like mine with sweet chilli sauce too!

  2. I was very impressed L ate them, he's always refused in the past! Will try them with sweet chilli sauce next time, yum!
